Update from WY

Well, it sure has been a while since you last heard of me on this blog! So, all I will do right now is post a couple pictures from here in the North.

The mountains are beautiful here! We go skiing quite often, and see a ton of animals (I actually saw a moose on the ski resort!) It is hard to believe that people can say that this mountain range was created by random chance!!

We did a little research before we got here on the local churches so that we would hopefully not have to go through what we did in Arkansas, church searching for several months (there is not enough churches here to go too long but we thought it a good idea anyways)! We found a church called Jackson Hole Community Bible Church and tried to look it up, but we couldn't because they do not have a website that is operational. We did, however, find their statement of faith on a college's (Jackson Hole Bible College) website. Turns out, the students are required to go to this church. We thought that would be neat since we have gone to a church before that had a lot of college students coming to it. So, JHCBC (our church) was the first one we tried and we still have not left it! Our pastor, Pastor Landis, is a great pastor and is also the Chairman of the Board of Directors for Answers in Genesis.
Already I have gotten involved with the Youth Group, and we just had a guy's lock-in in which we played airsoft, Romans and Christians (that didn't turn out so well as one of the youth got his finger slammed in a door), we played an X-Box that someone brought, and we watched a movie. But before that, a group from church (called Right to Life), which is composed of some youth and adults, held a fund raiser dinner at a church called River Crossing. (sorry the picture turned out fuzzy)
But one thing that is really cool is the chairlifts at the Village (ski resort). If you go on a chairlift and have an extra space open for someone to sit they will let a single person ride with you (speeds up the lines). It is a great way to evangelize! I have met folks from Michigan, Louisianna, Kentucky, Tenessee, England, and more! I am going to have to carry tracts on me and talk with people about the Bible whenever I get on longer lifts (the one I am typically on is only 4 minutes long).

While You Were Sleeping

Hello everyone!  Sorry for the procrastination on putting up the video for While You Were Sleeping.  But better late than never, right?  Here it is, just for you!

Note: I edited out our introduction as Life Savior because there was about 1 minute of getting set up after that.  Then, to make it worse, I started in the wrong key.  So, I cropped it to when we actually started, and I was actually in the right key.

Here's a link to the video on YouTube:

I will also be putting this up on the sidebar.

God bless you all,


The Man Who Was Thursday

Today I finished a book by G.K. Chesterson called "The Man Who Was Thursday" and I would encourage you to get a copy either from your dad (if he has a library :) That's how I got it!) or get it from the library. It's a little bit hard to understand it all, but I was able to learn a lot even though it's not strictly spiritual. Here are just a couple of things that I learned while reading the book. There is one part in the book, I don't want to give to much up, but all these men are discussing what they think about this certain person, and the main character gives this statement;

"When if first saw (blank) I only saw his back; and when I saw his back, I knew he was the worst man in the world. His neck and shoulders were brutal, like those of some apish god. His head had a stoop of an ox. In fact, I had at once the revolting fancy that this was not a man at all, but a beast dressed up in men's clothes... And then a queer thing happened. I had seen his back from the street, as he sat on the balcony. Then I entered the hotel, and coming around the other side of him, saw his face in the sunlight. His face frightened me, as is did everyone; but not because it was brutal, not because it was evil. On the contrary, it frightened me because it was so beautiful, because it was so good."

When I read this I thought about God. How people hate God or the idea of a God because of how things seem to be, not as they are. But those who see his face (those who are saved) really see who God is!

P.S. I read the afterward, and one thing that I thought was really cool was that when his wife was asked who had converted her to catholicism, she said, "the devil" . :)

P.P.S. We're going to try to get up the video this week of the performance! Be looking!



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And, in testimony of our desire, and assurance to be heard, we say, Amen.

Catechism question generator by Luke Godfrey