Just a short question on this post. I have a debate class at my home school group, and the topic is, "Is it right for Christians to listen to secular music?" I'm arguing that is is not right for Christian to listen to secular music. I did some research and got a couple of Bible verses that might contradict listening to secular music, but I want to hear your thoughts.
~Is it Right for Christians to Listen to Secular Music?~
The Five Points of Calvinism
Lately, I have been discussing some theology with someone on the Internet who is a catholic, and I has really made me realize how little I know of God's word and how to defend my beliefs.
But yesterday I got a book from my Dad called, "The Five Points of Calvinism", written by three guys whose names are: David N. Steele, Curtis C. Thomas (who I've met, and I personally know his brother. We go to the same church), and S. Lance Quinn (who is Curtis's pastor).
I have only started the book and I love it! You see in 1610, one year after the death of James Arminians, his followers drew up an article of faith with five points and took it before the State of Holland. They insisted that the Belgic Confession of Faith and the Heidelberg Catechism be changed to their beliefs. This meeting called the "Great Synod" came together and put it up against scripture and convened 154 times.
During this time, they came up with the "Five Point's of Calvinism" and condemned Arminism as heresy. And one thing I love about this book is that is puts the five beliefs of Arminist's on one side of the page and the Calvinistic beliefs on the other side so you can compare the two with ease. I am about to get into a section that talks about the similarities between Arminism and Pelagius' beliefs; and Calvinistic belief with the beliefs of Augustine. It's fascinating.
I would recommend this book to everyone! Arminian or Calvinist!
All For His Son's Glory!
P.S. I'm a Calvinist just in case you didn't know!
The Greatest Demonstration....
Tonight, in our family bible time we read 1 Corinthians 13, the love chapter. And two other passages we went to were Romans 5:8 and Galatians 2:20. Romans 5:8 says, "But God demonstrates His own love for us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Notice "demonstrates". It's present-tense. Means that it's happening now. We can know we are loved because He laid down His life for us. Becuase of what happend then, we can know we are loved now.
Also, it says at the end of Galatians 2:20, "Who loved me and gave Himself up for me." This word "Loved" speaking of the cross! Not that he doesn't love us now, he does; but that the greatest demonstration of this love was on the cross!
All For His Son's Glory!
Sorry I havn't posted lately! I want everyone to tell me their favorite Psalm. Mine is Psalm 51.... although I also like Psalm 61 also....Oh, well! I like a lot! But what are yours!
P.S. I'll try to post on wendsday (tomorrow) if I can. Thanks!
Rightly do they Love You
Peace be Still
We'll, as many of you guys know my Mom is not feeling well and has been in bed the past week, and that my Dad is not home. That means that all the chaos and everything goes to Kole and me. Everything is under control, but it's very stressful for me to keep the house clean and everybody in line, etc.
But one thing that has helped me through this time is a song called "Peace be Still," by Rush of Fools.
The song should be up on the side-bar soon.
All Christ,
Hey, guys. Just wants to say thanks and give you an update on how my mom's doing. She got out of the hospital Wendsday morning and has been slowly regaining strength, praise the Lord! She is doing a lot better, but I would ask for your continued prayers this week, because my dad is going out of town tomorrow and won't be back until friday. So just pray that this week would go smoothly and that nothing else like this would happen. Thank you all for your prayers!
Prayer Bar on the Right
We have put a Prayer Request Bar up on the right side of the Blog. We will continue to update it and will try to keep you posted on how the outcome is. If you could include these to your requests, we would appreciate it a lot.