Tagged Here Tagged There...

We won't tag anybody else because almost every blog we read has already been tagged!
Oh, and Kole and I can't post our "six random things" right now, for a number of reasons.

We were tagged by Mesheay at http://readyalways.wordpress.com/ and Nikki at http://wwwnikkisnotes.blogspot.com/

Nick said:
1. I collect animal skulls. (What!?!)
2. I like 'original fruit chews' star-burst candy.
3. I hate potato salad.
4. I like spearmint gum.
5. I hate rap music. (Or at least that's what he says):)
6. I'm a pyromaniac.

Luke said:
1. I can tuck in my ears. (What !?!)
2. I hate cream puffs.
3. I'm a computer geek. (I agree, he's brilliant!)
4. I wear contacts.
5. Breakfast is my favorite meal.
6. I have blue walls in my room.

Hope you enjoyed reading this!



cj October 11, 2008 at 12:27 AM  

Nick, you collect animal skulls? Weird:)

Hey Luke, I wear contacts too.

Anonymous October 11, 2008 at 4:13 AM  

I like potato salad Nick. :-)

How did you learn to tuck your ears Luke?

Rachel October 11, 2008 at 9:26 AM  

Nick has 6+ skulls, a copperhead skin, and a snapping turtle shell!! He also has a deer head hanging on our living room wall. :)


Nikki October 11, 2008 at 10:28 PM  

I HATE potato salad to!

Holly October 12, 2008 at 9:03 AM  

Nick, I didn't know what a pyromaniac was so I looked it up....

"A Pyromaniac has an impulse to deliberately start fires to relieve tension and typically includes gratification or relief afterward."

LoL....I thought that was interesting. :D


Caleb Nathaniel October 12, 2008 at 9:35 AM  

I got tagged also and had the same problem of every one I would have tagged was tagged LOL. I also hate potato salad.

~Caleb Nathaniel <><

Nicholas October 12, 2008 at 1:14 PM  


I actually thought a pyromaniac was just someone who likes fires! It wasn't until my mom took a look at it and she told me what it meant when I realized I am not a pyromaniac, I just love fires! Maybe that is why I am moving to the coldest place WY? :) Ok, maybe not the coldest but I heard last night that it can get up to (or rather, down to) -60 degrees!!! But the sight of the Grand Tetons will be worth it.


Holly October 12, 2008 at 4:17 PM  

I see...lol. -60 degrees?! Now that is cold! I guess I would be the pyromaniac if I lived in WY....I would be starting fires to have the gratification of warmth! lol.

God Bless,

P.S. Hope the move is going well!

Kade October 14, 2008 at 9:02 AM  

Hello everyone!

Because of certain difficulties and problems, Kole and Kade will not be able to put up their 6 random questions right now. When they can, they should be posting them maybe by the end of the year.

Sorry about that,

Lydia October 14, 2008 at 2:26 PM  

hi, i love random. My name is Lydia and I found ya'll on Maiden of Purity's blog. I'll be visiting more. I'll be visiting ya'll's blog more.
(i guess you can tell I'm from the south with the ya'll thing)

Vanessa October 14, 2008 at 4:08 PM  

Hey, thanks for leaving that comment on my blog. Y'all are the first guys to leave a comment. Which is AWESOME! I have had girls from all over, but never a guy. So, that's really neat. Y'all seem like some really neat young teens. Keep your great work up!

Love Vanessa


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