I just posted that last one just now but I wanted to share something else I gained from a family bible time I had tonight. We were reading Philippians 3 verse 12 to the end of the chapter, and in verse 16 it says, "However, let us keep that standard to which we have attained." And that standard is Christ. But right after he says that, he says this, "Brethren join in following my example..." Isn't that messed up? First he says follow Christ, and then he says follow him? What's up with that? And my Dad explained that there is a difference between a standard and an example. An example is just someone else to follow, like following Paul who is following Christ in this illustration. It says later in that last verse, "and observe those who walk according to the pattern you have in us." It is good to look to others for an example, but Christ should always be our standard.
For His Son's Glory,
The Standard
Posted by
Monday, June 16, 2008
Somewhere Paul also says follow me as I follow Christ. Along with the standard being Christ, I also think that he didn't want the church to drop its standards and fall into compromise.
Amen! Christ should allllways be our standard.
BTW Kole, thanks for your prayers. did really well on my exam.
Hey, I don't know if you care, but I don't think you wold completely agree with west minister catechism number 95.
Cool. Thanks for making that clear and for the reminder.
Hello Kole,
I am a spirit filled Christian as yourself. It's honoring to make your acquaintance. I have to say that I trust my Pastor and/or Spiritual Mentors only as far as they are agreement with the Bible. I think we should have "Spiritual Role models", but Jesus should be our only True standard. It's really great to know that there is other Christians out in the Blogging World. Nice to meet you
Oh, and Responding to Kade's music picks. Leeland is Awesome!!! Do you have their new CD Opposite Way yet?
A valuable point. Sometimes I make much of an example, that I dont focus on the standard, our God. And thats not God-glorifying. May God give me the power to set my sight on the cross, before any worldly man.
Thank you for this post! :)
Alex: I bought it the friday after the release date. It's great CD!
It's important to remember that the Philippians probably never saw Christ who, as this post explained, is our standard. However, they knew Paul and actually saw what he did. This is why he was able to serve as an example to them.
Josh Nunley, I don't agree with the second sentence in question 95 of the Shorter Catechism. I think the question contradicts itself because of it, and is completely and utterly the opposite of what is taught in the Bible. However, I would like to hear your thoughts about it since there's always a good chance that I'm wrong. Just out of curiosity, why did you bring that up? Did that have something to do with an earlier post in this blog?
I brought it up because they have this random generate catechism thingy on here and number 95 talks about infant baptism and I know they don't believe in that, (since I know them....)and I didn't want them to give people the wrong view of what they believe. (Plus, I didn't have any of their e-mail's at the time)
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