"Little" allowed Sin

~A small hole can sink a big ship, a tiny spark can create a huge fire.
(I know, the "tiny spark" was lame. but... can you do better?! sorry).

~Never spare a"little sin." Once we spare that, we will be open to let in tons of sin.

~"To be sure, no wicked man ever meant to be wicked in the beginning,
But he began by allowing a little transgression in, and that led to something greater.
(When people first allow sin...) "First it startles him, then it becomes pleasing, then easy, then delightful, then habitual, then confirmed, then damned!"
-J.C. Ryle

~We need to break the sin before it gets bigger. How?:
(1). Pray.
(2). Confess the sin.
(3). Focus on Christ.
(4). Stop doing the sin! Duh! By the grace of God.

"That he would be safe from the acts of evil,
and widely avoid the occasions."
-Bishop Hall

(5). By the grace of God, shun the occasion.

All for the glory of God,



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And, in testimony of our desire, and assurance to be heard, we say, Amen.

Catechism question generator by Luke Godfrey